Sunday, October 20, 2013

update on week 1

So I've gotten all of my recipies printed out. if you would like a copy of the template I made so that you don't have to write out your recipies (it look a lot nicer in my opinion to print), let me know and  I can e-mail it to you... well, try at least, it's through google drive with Lucidpress... I'm still learning how to do it...

so my book should be here tomorrow. I did order extra pages because of all of the recipies I have, and that will arrive at a latter date. I will update and post tomorrow.

My advice for this project:
-have lots of ink
-have lots of thick paper
-it takes time, don't give up
-order the book asap, it takes time to arrive

Friday, October 18, 2013

Starting over. 52 weeks of projects...

Ok so in this day and age, doing 3 projects a week for someone who works is just impossible unless you stay up till 3 am every night and wake up at 6. Sorry, that's just not happening here. I like my sleep. So This week I told myslef that I would be starting my projects again, but this time I am only going to be doing only one project a week. Right now I've started re-doing my recipe's. Instead of just making cards like i've done before, and probably many of you before me, I will be creating a recipe book. Now, I know most of you are thinking ugly white paper and as many recpies on one page as I can get. But that is not the case.

I was browsing on pinterest the other day and I cam across a beautiful template. it is off of this site: This woman has a whole list of freebies that are just amazing. So I downloaded this recipe book template, and then i got onto Ludipress (because I do not have Microsoft publisher) and I created a template so that i didn't have to write out all of my recipes (my handwriting is atrocious). I will be taking pictures tomorrow, I did get the same book as her, but I have a feeling i will be needing more inserts.

I was so excited about this project, that during the next few months until Christmas, my father-in-law and I will be stealing my mother-in-laws recipes and making her a recipe book as well! YEAH! Check it out, check out the other freebies too. Any digital scrapbook-er will love this site! ENJOY.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

OK so I've been slacking that's for sure. of not taking pictures and posting my projects. so i'm only going to post 1 a week, even if i do more... i just don't have the energy to post more, or i'll just show you the end result... cause i keep forgetting to take a before shot.

so today my friend and i went to SLC to a place called Wood Connection... OMG my new favorite store. They have wood letters, frames, and more and more and more... So today I went through the bargin bin and got the letters HOYT ($.99 each) for my last name... i also got two small leaves ($.35 each), and two yards of different ribbon ($1.00 total)  yeah me... and I took them home to create. I got out my brown and green paint (because my house is camo camo camo... I think it turned out pretty good, what do you think? I was stuck on the y and t. really the only easy one was the O... because i had that figured out at the store... so now they are painted and sitting in my front room... if you have any ideas for the y or t (since they only look ok...) let me know... i'm open for suggestions


Thursday, May 10, 2012


Then I taped off the edges because I wanted some type of boarder...

and I got my awesome paint color thanks to Ace Hardware (it was free cause it was one of their awesome saturday deals)...

Then I painted those edges... I wasn't sure at first... I thought maybe I'd paint a thicker area... but i didnt...
so then i added in my cream... This is the same color i have painted my walls at home with, and only paid $8 at Ace for the whole gallon because someone didn't exactly like it... I did two coats:

 Then I painted Hoyt with my tiny paint brush... I decided I didn't like it with just creme in the back... so i was going to start over... but when i started to smoth out the colors it made that really cool look so i didn't destroy it... yet... so then i took the gold sparkle pen and outlined everything and wrote Est. 8*15*09... my wedding date of course... and added the cute leaves on for amazing affect (my whole house is outdoorsy)

And there you have it... that's my creation... let me know how i can make it look more professional... it's kinda sad looking i think...

Monday, April 30, 2012

this weeks 3 things

ok so my three things i am trying are Creme Brulee, slow cooker sour cream and bacon chicken, and I'm going to be trying to create a cute saying board on an old board... So if you have an easier recipe for creme brulee than i have let me know. mine takes cooling overnight. I've never made it before so I'm a little scared. The slow cooker one won't be hard, i just hope it tastes good (Bill, my husband, is such a picky eater)... and the old board saying will be interesting... think up of some good sayings to use because i'm not sure mine will fit on it and be seen... it's a small 3x5in board i think...

Sunday, April 29, 2012

So I decided I'm going to start this blog of experiments... I'm already doing a bunch of diy things around the house and trying new recipes (I can NOT cook well). So In this blog, each week I will be trying three different experiments. They may all be recipes, they may not be. I'm not sure until I decide the sunday before. If you have any ideas on what I should try, shoot me a message or comment.